Showing posts with label Youtube help. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Youtube help. Show all posts

How to Add/make YouTube Subscribe Button on your Blog or website

One the most easy way to grow your social media followers is to please a follow/subscribe buttons on your blog or website.and this article you will came to know to how to make a YouTube subscribe button for your blog or website. if you have a very good traffic on your blog then i make readers easier to know more about you by following you on the social medias . as you can also see at the right of my blog  that there is my YouTube channel subscribe button and if you click on that button you will automatically subscribed my channel with the e mail you are logged in.

so, to make a subscribe button for your blog/website follow these steps:
to make a subscribe button for your YouTube channel you can go to this page but before visiting read this article full to make a good subscribe button.

1. after going to this page firstly you have to give your channel  id . and if you don't know what is channel ID and from where you will get it then go to YouTube and log in with the google account associated with your YouTube channel the go to my channel and at the top you will see the channel URL.

just for example take my channel URL and that is -       in this URL after the last slash/ is my channel's ID and taht is   UCCPWOeh2Kvw4KCQNGlpne0A  and if you have a custom then you can follow this link and copy the channel id form that and five t to the column of the channel id .

2. and then you can change the layout from default to full to see your channel's name also in the subscribe button.

3.leave the theme as it is to default option to get the white background of the YouTube  subscribe button.

4. make the subscribe count default to show tour totla subscribes in the subscribe button as in my blog you can see my subscribers of the channel and iif you dont wnat to show the subscribe count then change it to "hidden" and your subscribe count will not be shown., in the code section copy the code and paste it in your blog.

here a preview of a subscribe button with-

layout- full
theme default
subscriber count - default(show)

here are steps to add YouTube subscribe button to you blog;

1. sign in to your blogger account and select he blog you want to place the subscribe button .

2. now, go t the layout section and in  the  side bar add a gadget if "HTML Java script" and don write the title and  paste the coppied code there and save it and the click on save arrangements at the top right of the blogger.

3. and then go to your blog and see the changes and you can also see the placement of the button in the layout section of the blogger.

now, your reader's can follow/subscribe you on social media like YouTube.

so what are you waiting for go and make a YouTube subscribe button for your blog/website for free and increase your follower on social medias...

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